創意髮型:台灣 Flux Réel Hair Boutique - Gino 方呈哲 前衛作品-粗暴的優雅

主題  :粗暴的優雅




Subject  : The violent elegance

The idea was inspired by primitive tribes

By creating the primary skeletal structure that expended from those were produced and given by the mother earth,

I combined the antique and modern as one. The work also delivers a certain tinge of irony that the present millennials should not always be eager

to the latest technology and greedily consume the mother natural with no limit, but try to create and elaborate the infinite possibility by the original


Hair stylist : 方呈哲 ( Gino ) @ https://www.facebook.com/fluxreelgino?__mref=message

Photographer : 郭堯中 ( Tony ) 

Make-up : 張凱堤 ( Chantel )

Stylist : 簡國彥 ( Bob )